5.4.7 APPX Application Design Manual

+ Chapter 1-1: Overview of Application Design
+ Chapter 1-2: Getting Started
+ Chapter 1-3: Data Dictionary
+ Chapter 1-4: Understanding Process Design
+ Chapter 1-5: Interprocess Communication
+ Chapter 1-6: Customizing Your Application
+ Chapter 1-7: The Documentation Facility
+ Chapter 1-8: Application Design Tools
+ Chapter 2-1: Data Dictionary Overview
+ Chapter 2-2: Data Dictionary Concepts
+ Chapter 2-3: Domains
+ Chapter 2-4: Files and Fields
+ Chapter 2-5: Work Fields
+ Chapter 3-1: Overview of APPX Processes
+ Chapter 3-2: Getting Started
+ Chapter 3-3: Process Definition
+ Chapter 3-4: Menu Processes
+ Chapter 3-5: Job Processes
+ Chapter 3-6: Input Processes
- Chapter 3-7: Output Processes
+ Chapter 3-8: Update Processes
+ Chapter 3-9: Query Processes
+ Chapter 3-10: Inquiry Processes
+ Chapter 3-11: Status Processes
+ Chapter 3-12: Subroutine Processes
+ Chapter 3-13: Table Processes
+ Chapter 3-14: Automatic and Optional Children
+ Chapter 3-15: Using the Image Editor
+ Chapter 3-16: Using GUI Features of the Image Editor
+ Chapter 3-17: Using Event Points
+ Chapter 4-1: ILF Integration
+ Chapter 4-2: True/False Status Indicators
+ Chapter 4-3: Specifying Statements
+ Chapter 4-4: The ILF Editor
+ Chapter 4-5: The Appx ILF Debugger
+ Chapter 4-6: ILF Keyword Reference
+ Chapter 4-7: Predefined Fields
+ Chapter 4-8: Runtime Subroutine's and Predefined Processes
+ Chapter 4-9: Appx Chart Director API

Chapter 3-7: Output Processes

Output Frame Toolbox Pulldown Menu

When you select Toolbox from the menu bar on the Output Process Frames screen, the Toolbox Pulldown Menu appears as shown below. Note that each tool can also be accessed by selecting the corresponding icon on the screen toolbar.

Output Frames Toolbox Pulldown Menu

The output frames Toolbox Pulldown Menu offers the following options:

Browse References

The Browse References option runs a modified version of 'Cross Reference - All' and produces a list of design components utilized by the current process. The results can be displayed interactively where links allow you to see the context of the references, edit the referenced component, and drill down to the child process. This option can be used to identify, and optionally edit, the file level event points utilized by this process.

Compare Processes

The Compare Processes option compares the current process to another process that you identify and produces a report listing any differences. You can also opt to browse the results interactively.

Syntax Check

The Syntax Check option allows you to create the Executable Module for the current process without running the process. If the Executable Module already exists and is still valid, this option is ignored if invoked. Note that this option (Option 97), like any Toolbox option with a value greater than 90, is available for use directly from any screen in Application Design without going to the Toolbox.

Audit Information

The Audit Information option allows you to see who created the current process and who changed it most recently. It also provides you with the date that the process was created and the date that it was last changed. Note that this option (Option 98), like any Toolbox option with a value greater than 90, is available for use directly from any screen in Application Design without going to the Toolbox. See Audit Information Overlay for an example of the overlay.

Invoke a Process

The Invoke a Process option is available to facilitate testing. When you select this option, APPX defaults to the current process but you may override the defaults to invoke any process. Note that this option, like any Toolbox option with a value greater than 90, is available for use directly from any screen in Application Design without going to the Toolbox. See Invoke a Process Overlay for details on using this option.

Generate Headings

The Generate Headings option generates a column headings frame for the output frame you are currently positioned to.

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