Set Run-Time Defaults
The Set Run-Time Defaults event point executes for input processes only. It executes before Start of Frame for the first frame of a process in the data addition or key entry interactive phases. In the data addition interactive phase, it executes before a record is entered. In the data deletion, data inquiry, or data modification interactive phases, it executes before a key is entered on the first image.
Immediately before executing this event point, APPX restores the default record into the current record area that is in memory. (The default record is automatically maintained for any fields that are painted on any image including, but not limited to, fields in the process PCF.)
Set Run-Time Defaults is used when you wish to supply a user with a particular value, or in some other fashion to anticipate a user's requirements. It can be used to:
Explicitly modify values in the default record, in data addition interactive phase. For example, you could use this event point to set a transaction date equal to the current date, establish a transaction number based upon a parameterized value, or supply report setup values in input processes that precede output processes. While APPX can automatically establish a static default value based on data dictionary specifications, defaults are often dynamic, based upon variable information that is maintained elsewhere in the system. It is for these dynamic defaults that the Set Run-Time Defaults event point is used.
Establish values for items that are used later in a process. For example, in a transaction entry input function, you might use this event point to set control group or batch information such as the operator ID or the batch number.
Default portions of a key field before a user enters the key in delete, inquire, or change modes during key entry interactive phase.