5.1.1 APPX Application Design Manual

+ Chapter 1-1: Overview of Application Design
+ Chapter 1-2: Getting Started
+ Chapter 1-3: Data Dictionary
+ Chapter 1-4: Understanding Process Design
+ Chapter 1-5: Interprocess Communication
+ Chapter 1-6: Customizing Your Application
+ Chapter 1-7: The Documentation Facility
+ Chapter 1-8: Application Design Tools
+ Chapter 2-1: Data Dictionary Overview
+ Chapter 2-2: Data Dictionary Concepts
+ Chapter 2-3: Domains
+ Chapter 2-4: Files and Fields
+ Chapter 2-5: Work Fields
+ Chapter 3-1: Overview of APPX Processes
+ Chapter 3-2: Getting Started
+ Chapter 3-3: Process Definition
+ Chapter 3-4: Menu Processes
+ Chapter 3-5: Job Processes
+ Chapter 3-6: Input Processes
+ Chapter 3-7: Output Processes
+ Chapter 3-8: Update Processes
+ Chapter 3-9: Query Processes
+ Chapter 3-10: Inquiry Processes
+ Chapter 3-11: Status Processes
+ Chapter 3-12: Subroutine Processes
+ Chapter 3-13: Automatic and Optional Children
+ Chapter 3-14: Using the Image Editor
+ Chapter 3-15: Using GUI Features of the Image Editor
+ Chapter 3-16: Using Event Points
+ Chapter 4-1: ILF Integration
- Chapter 4-2: True/False Status Indicators
+ Chapter 4-3: Specifying Statements
+ Chapter 4-4: The ILF Editor
+ Chapter 4-5: The Appx ILF Debugger
+ Chapter 4-6: ILF Keyword Reference
+ Chapter 4-7: Predefined Fields
+ Chapter 4-8: Runtime Subroutine's and Predefined Processes
+ Chapter 4-9: Appx Chart Director API

Chapter 4-2: True/False Status Indicators

Statements That Affect T/F Status Indicators

There are a number of statements that affect the value of internal true/false status indicators. Of the seven functional categories of statements, ILF Keyword Reference, only the following affect these indicators:

Two field-related statements set the next status indicator to T or F: RECEIVE (depending on whether or not there is a matching PASS statement) and VERIFY (depending on whether or not the VERIFY operation is successful).

Two types of control statements:

The process-type statements (CALL, INPUT, RUN, etc.) alter the flow of processing and invoke a specified process. The specified process is either invoked successfully (sets a value of T) or fails (sets a value of F)

The GOSUB and RETURN statements store the current indicator values, clear the values for independent use within the GOSUB subroutine, and then restore the indicators to their original values for continued processing following the RETURN. In addition, when implemented, GOSUB will set the next status indicator to the value indicated in the RETURN statement, if any.

All condition-testing statements (IF, AND, and OR) test the relationship between two values. The result is always either true or false, and the indicator is set or modified accordingly.

Only one image-related statement sets the next status indicator to T or F: AT FIELD (depending on whether or not the cursor is positioned on the field or fields specified).

Several file-related statements(CREATE, READ, WRITE, etc.) set a value of T if successful, or F if not.

Application Design Manual                                         "Powered by Appx Software"


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