You can use the COMPUTE statement for simple arithmetic computations involving two fields, or one field and a constant. The COMPUTE statement adds to (+), hash-adds to (P), subtracts from (-), hash-subtracts from (M), multiplies (*), or divides (/) the first (or destination) operand by the value specified in the second (or source) operand.
????? COMPUTE ??? ?????????????????????? ??? ? ??? ?????????????????????? ???
(1) (2) (3) (4)(5)(6) (7) (8)
(1) T/F execution conditions
(2) Destination application ID
(3) Destination field name or PDF
(4) Destination occ (constant/index)
(5) Operator (+, -, *, /, P, M)
(6) Source application ID
(7) Source field name, PDF, or constant
(8) Source occurrence (constant/index)
Using the Statement
The destination field can be packed decimal or binary, and the source field can be packed decimal, binary, or alpha. The packed decimal fields can have either a fixed or variable decimal position, and binary fields always have a fixed decimal position.
If the second field is an alpha field type (valid only for P and M operators), characters other than 0 to 9, except trailing spaces, are converted to 0. Then, up to the first 31 characters are converted to a packed decimal integer before the computation is performed. Once converted, the remainder of the computation is identical to a computation that contains a packed decimal integer for the second field. The hash total operators ignore overflow.
If the result of a P or M calculation results in a value greater than the destination field can hold, the result 'wraps around' from zero. For example, if a destination field has a maximum of five digits, 99999 P 1 results in a value of 00000. The most significant number is discarded. As another example, assuming that the packed decimal number could contain a value up to 999, 996 P 8 results in a value of 4.
Similarly, if the result of the P or M calculation results in a negative value, the result 'wraps around' from the largest value the destination field could hold plus 1. For example, assuming that the packed decimal number could contain a value up to 9999, then 3 M 6 results in a value of 9997.
If there is a division by zero, or the result is too large to be stored in the destination field, an overflow situation occurs. Overflow processing is dependent on the use of the OVERFLOW statement.
For the P and M operators, the destination field must be a packed decimal numeric type.
Execution Errors
If OVERFLOW has not been specified, an overflow condition causes an unrecoverable processing error.
Statement Ignored
If either field contains a null value, no computation takes place, and the statement following the COMPUTE is executed.
Related Statements
The following is an example of a COMPUTE statement:
In this example, the value in the field ORDER3 LINE AMOUNT is added to the value in ORDER2 SUBTOTAL. Note that the value in ORDER3 LINE AMOUNT is not changed by the computation.