The VERIFY statement causes various functions from the File Management's Verify File Menus to be executed from within a process.
????? VERIFY ??? ?????????????????????? ??? TYPE ?????????????? FAIL ?
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
(1) T/F execution conditions
(2) Application ID
(3)File name or field name
(4) Occurrence (constant/index)
(5) Verify type (FIELD, RECORD)
(6) Fail action (0=nothing, 1=warning, 2=error, 3=cancel)
Sets True/False Status Indicator
The next level of the internal true/false status indicator is set to T if the VERIFY operation is successful; otherwise, the indicator is set to F. If the VERIFY fails, the FAIL parameter determines what additional action to take.
Using the Statement
A file can be verified to insure that it is structurally sound and that each field (or a specific field) contains data that corresponds to the field type (number, date, etc.).
The TYPE parameter indicates what component of the file to verify. The only valid choices, among those presented in a drop-down list, are:
FIELD to verify the contents of a particular field within every record of the file (field name required).
RECORD to verify the contents of all fields within the current record (file name required).
The application ID and file name for the file (or field) to verify are specified in the statement. Additional information that can affect the location of the file may be contained in the predefined field DATABASE.
The file name references a file that is defined in the data dictionary for the selected application ID. You can set the NEXT DATABASE predefined field to the database ID of the database containing the file that you want verified if it is different than the current database.
Execution Errors
Serious problems encountered while trying to verify a file or its contents, such as a file structure/data dictionary mismatch, cause a non-recoverable runtime error to occur, regardless of the FAIL parameter.
Related PDFs
Related Statements
The following example verifies the contents of the CUSTOMER BALANCE field and returns an error if an inconsistency is found between the Data Dictionary field type and the actual contents of the field in all CUSTOMER file records.
F CANCEL Verification of TAR CUSTOMER BALANCE Field Failed! |