THE Quick Response RDBMS Solution for Business



APPX provides integration with a wide variety of of database products, allowing rapid creation and use of data in the most advanced database technology. These database titles include Sybase, Oracle, Vision, CISAM, SQL-Server® as well as a variety of other database programs through APPX's use of the ODBC integration tool.

APPX provides the ability to read, write, scratch, import, and export data to and from any number of dissimilar (existing and/or new) relational database systems, giving you the freedom to target specific tasks with specific solutions. Managed from the familar and easy to use APPX data dictionary tools, you will command the flexibility of dynamic creation and restructuring of files and tables across any configuration of database systems when any change is made to the APPX dictionary structure. Changes to the application are reflected across the whole database system as well.

It is not necessary to map the APPX data dictionary to match existing relational database tables because APPX can create any RDBMS table structure automatically.

All communication between systems is made transparent by defining a limited number of data management system (DMS) "Control Strings" in a special DMS group definition. This system allows data to exist on its native database system, allowing you to take full advantage of the widest variety of database technology available.


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